Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is Zeus Trying To Tell Us Something?

Early this morning the Drudge Report had an interesting
"news item".

It was a You Tube video excerpt of a public speech. A speech
made to a large gathering of our youth.

The speech was given by someone who desires control
our US Military.

The speech was given during a thunderstorm and the video captured
a lightning strike from the clouds in the distant background.

Big deal you say....there are thunderstorms all the time!

Yes, but this storm was like, well "Creepy"


Who or what is "Zeus"?

In mythology, "Zeus" is the Greek King Of the Gods. He is also known
as the God of Sky and Weather.

Zeus is also identified as the God of Fate.

Zeus, the God Of Law and Order.

Summary: Zeus is the most powerful of all the Greek gods


Images and depictions of Zeus frequently show him with
his "Thunderbolt". He seems to be carrying around what seems
to be a "Lightning Strike" with him.

Why would he be doing that?

How did Zeus use this "thunderbolt" in Greek mythology?

One of the most famous mythologies involving Zeus
is the told in the story of "Zeus Battles Thee Giants"

Who are "Thee Giants" that Zeus battles with?

"Thee Giants" are referred to as the "Nephilim"

"Nephilim" means, literally, the ones who fell from the skies and came down to Earth.

"Nephilim" can also be described as the "Fallen Angels"

According to mythology, the "Nephilim" were gigantic offspring known as "Thee Giants"

"Thee Giants" were the offspring from the union or "interbreeding" of "Fallen Angels" and the "Daughters Of Men".

So there was sort of a Fallen Angel/Human Being marriage done.

Legend says that these offspring or "Nephilim" slowly grew to tremedous strature. They were said to possess a "titanic arrogance".

"Nephilim" also had tremendous desire to have power over others.

Power over the mortal populations of Earth.

Many said at the time that "Nephilim" displayed a quest for power that far surpassed that of their Satanic fathers.

"Nephilim" is a Hebrew word that is translated into Greek as "Gegenes"

"Genetics" is the English word built around the same root word as "Gegenes". "Genea" meaning "Breed" or "Kind".

"Nephilim" in other ancient Greek translations are referred to "Assailants" or "Violent

There's also VERY interesting translation of "Nephilim" as:

"Homo Artificialis Nephili"


Let's focus on that specific translation.

What exactly is a "Homo Artificialis Nephili"?

Did modern-day science create a "Nephilim" about a quarter century ago?

Did science really hatch a "Nephilim" in a modern laboratory setting using variations
of what is known as the human genome or DNA?

According to the Mythology, "Nephilim" would have to be created by the combination
of the DNA of "Fallen Angels" and Human Women.

Did any of the modern scientists invovled at the time of the experiment
have knowledge of the mythology surrounding the "Nephilim" ?

I think the major problem scientist found in this Cloning or creation of a modern day
"Nephilim" is that "Fallen Angels" are considered to be otherworldly "Spirits"
and do not have DNA!

So I'm guessing Scientists had to find some "Genetic Material" of a pre-existing animal species to use.

If Science was trying to create the Cloning of a human being wouldn't
they have used "genetic material" of a human being rather than that of
an animal species?

I propose that the Cloning being performed was not that of a human being
but of an animal species. A cloning of an animal species combined with a "Spirit".

At that point in history, Clones of mice were a thing of the past.

So they needed to use a very different animal species.

How about picking an animal species in the reptile category?

So let's assume they compined the genetic material of a reptile
with some material from the "Spirit". Surely, the "Spirit" form had
something material that could be used.

But this "Spirit" material had to have some type of human-like biology within it.

I suspect that this cloning experiment was proclaimed to be a success.

Science thought they may have created a new subclass of species. A new
subclass that was stronger than any Human Being.

But what made them think that by combining DNA from a reptile
and a "Spirit" would result in a new species of Human Beings?


Modern ethics has prevented some scientists in the past from pursuing
what is known as "Eugenics".

"Eugenics" is the science of creating more perfect animal species.

I think science soon realized that this Clone or "Nephilim" created was very
different than a human being.

Apparently, this Clone was not the predicted result. It was not
stronger and a two or three times larger variation of a human being.

As far as I can tell, these Clones were created in the 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984
time period.

It seemed that the Clones were weaker than the average Human Being. Over
time, the Clones displayed a genetic pre-dispositon to suffer from a wide variety
of debilitative diseases. i.e. Parkinsons.

The study of these debilitative diseases affecting these Clones was well doumented.

Readers can still view these studies on the today's internet.

There are scientific abstracts published in many academic journals by those
involved who studied these diseases. However, I don't thing they refer to
the patient as a Clone.

The problem with these abstracts is that you have to be a trained scientist
to understand them.

An unanswered question I have is this?

Did these Clones have the same powers that they mythological "Nephilim held?

In one interpretation of ancient "Nephilim" is that they had the power
of something called "magical fields".

Others interpret the "Fields Of Nephilim" to be "Magnetic Fields".

I found a good description of the "Magnetic Fields Of Celestial Bodies" on Wikipedia.

"White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes seem to have extremely strong
magnetic fields".

In the near future, I will discuss the next part of Nephilim mythology.

I'll leave you with this teaser:

"Nephilim" apparently procreated amongst themselves as well as procreating with
human beings resulting in creations of more subclasses. One of these subclasses
was known as the 'Gibborim'".


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can you smell the stench of the coming Revolution?

I would like to introduce the concept of Olfaction. I'll first describe it and note some recent cultural references.

Pay careful attention here. The manipulation of the sense of smell is being used
very deviously today to influence the outcomes of certain events/situations.

This manipulation is a very important piece of the "puzzle" I am putting
together in the blog.


Olfaction is also known as olfactics or smell. It refers to the sense of smell.

Note that there are many airborne poisons today that have no discernable odor.

Carbon Monoxide comes to mind. Carbon Monoxide is frequently
referred to as a "silent killer". There are many laws in place throughout
the land that require homes and apartments to have Carbon Monoxide

"Gas" or "Cooking Gas" is also an odorless poison. The reason why "gas"
smells like "rotten eggs" is because that scent was added to gas. Gas emits
an odorless scent. The adding of that "rotten eggs" smell was done to protect
and alert people to any gas leaks.

I'd like to bring your attention a novel about scent that was written
in 1985.

I'm quoting Wikipedia here:

"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 1985 literary historical cross-genre novel (originally published in German as Das Parfum) by German writer Patrick Süskind. The novel explores the sense of scent, and its relationship with the emotional meaning that scents may carry."

This novel was adapted to a recent Hollywood movie of the same name. The movie
was released in 2006 and featured famous actor Dustin Hoffman.

Wikipedia describes the novel as follows:

"Born lacking a personal odour (a fact other people find disquieting) but endowed with an incomparable sense of smell, he apprentices himself to a perfumer and becomes obsessed with procuring the perfect scent that will make him fully human. In the process, he creates perfumes—presumably based on pheromones—that powerfully manipulate human emotions, murdering 25 girls to take their scent.

The book features detailed descriptions of the techniques of scent extraction such as maceration and enfleurage.

Note: The subject in the novel was portrayed as not "fully human". The character believes
the body odor is a natural characteristic of human beings.

The character doesn't see body odor as something to "hide" with a perfume. He sees body odor as desirable.


Next Example:

The late rock star, Kurt Cobain wrote a song entitled "Scentless Apprentice" for Nirvana's
1993 album "In Utero".

The song was based on the story of the novel that I've described above.

Wikipedia also features the following:

"In a 1993 MuchMusic interview, Cobain claimed that his copy of Perfume almost never left his pocket. Cobain said he related to Grenouille's alienation.

Cobain also related to Grenouille's fascination with odor. "I’m really interested in smells," he revealed in a 1993 Spin interview. "I think I’d like to own a perfumerie someday."


Why are so many of our Artists considered "geniuses" and "ahead of their time"?

Do famous artists like Cobain connect with so many people because they Prophesize?

I'll note that the dictionary definition of Prophecy is the following:

"To predict with assurance on the basis of mystic knowledge".

I'd also like to note that the "scientists" who performed the physics experiments
in 1982 that were theorized by "Eugene Howard Golub" came to some interesting
conclusions that we'll discuss in the future.

I'll note one conclusion they came to:

They claimed to have proof that certain theories that were considered to be
"Paranormal" like the concept of "Telekinesis" did indeed really exist in our world.
They had proof of the existence of "Telekinesis". However, their description of
it did not match the way it is described in American popular culture.

But back to the notion of "Prophecy".

In this blog, I've a noted earlier in this blog that some folks believe that the "science fiction" writer and author known as Philip K. Dick saw himself as a sort of prophet at certain times in his life. One of Philip K. Dick's novels is believed to have documented a "vision" he had. The novel is called "The Cosmic Puppets". Philip K. Dick doubted himself in a very big way. In fact, he doubted himself so much that he proclaimed his "Cosmic Puppets" novel to be is most purely fictional work.

Right now, many Philip K. Dick fans see many of the troubling current events unfolding in the USA today were described in "The Cosmic Puppets".

I've read many interpretations of "Cosmic Puppets" and I do see many parallels to what is happening in our world today. In my opinion, the contents of "Cosmic Puppets" are not specific enough as to reveal what many of us ask ourselves: "What is going to happen next"?

Before I go any further, I'd like to note the odd title and cover illustration of the Nirvana album, "In Utereo".

The album cover features something called:

This is the Wikipedia description:

"A Transparent Anatomical Mannaquin or TAM is a three-dimensional, transparent model of a human being, created for medical instructional purposes. The first TAM was created by designer Richard Rush in 1968. It consisted of a see-through reproduction of a female human body, with various organs being wired so specific body systems would light up on command, on cue with a pre-recorded educational presentation."

I'd also note here the title of Nirvana's biggest hit; "SMELLS Like Teen Spirit".

A couple of notes to make at this time:

Please also note that during their lifetimes, both Philip K. Dick and Kurt Cobain were labeled as "mentally ill" persons in need of medication. Modern medicine used terms like "Paranoid Schizophrenic" and "Bi-Polar Disorder" to describe them.

I'd also like to note something I've mentioned in previous blog entries. I've discovered
a pattern of Hollywood moguls who've apparently been tipped off with inside information on specific technological advancements and the plans for their use in the not too distant future.

I'll note again that I believe that Hollywood has apparently used this "inside information" to create blockbuster movies. These hugely popular movies are praised by fans who describe them as being "Futuristic"- something much different than "Science Fiction".

Anyway I don't believe Kurt Cobain was tipped off to any technological advancements in the
manipulation of the "sense of smell". Cobain was as Anti-Authoritarian as they come.

However, Cobain did believe that in the near future, "Scents" would not be only manufactured as "deodorants" or "perfume". Cobain saw them being used as "Tools" to accomplish a task or to manipulate types of people. Types of people that he didn't like very much.

When the song and the music video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit" hit MTV it was widely interpreted to be a "Teen Revolution Anthem".

Cobain's believed that our Capitalist system was crudely manipulating youth with the material products such as the perfumed "Teen Spirit" deodorant.

Cobain saw himself as as "Social Outcast" of sorts. He saw his peers buying in to overt manipulation. And so he mocked them in with his song, "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

Kurt Cobain also liked to think of himself as a kindred spirit of the 1960's Leftist
"counterculture". The "counterculture" that was led by folks like:

"William Ayers"

Cobain also never imagined the huge Nirvana. would be. As Nirvana quickly
rose to legendary heights of monetary success, Cobain found himself becoming
increasingly distraught.

Kurt did not want to perform for and be adored by the people he had previously

Cobain also considered himself to be an Anarchist. For example, in the MTV music video for
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" you can see the Cheerleaders wearing red shirts featuring the symbol of Anarchy- the letter A with a circle around it.

Not too long ago, Cobain's journals were published in mass market book format.

Several drafts of "Teen Spirit" show it to be a utopian vision of a cultural revolution led by
a "King & Queen" of the outcasted teens.

Note here that the "utopian vision of the cultural revolution" is a reference to Maosim.

I suspect Cobain's believed that olfactics was just as powerful as the sense of hearing. Perhaps even more so.

Cobain believed that scent had huge potential. I'm guessing that he saw "scents" evolving
in the future as "music" has evolved into various forms in history.

I'm also guessing that Cobain believed there would be future compositions of scent that would could be *more* potent than his most famous musical composition.

If Capitalism can manufacture SCENT into a trendy Deoderant product to be purchased by a gullible youth population, then it could also be created to be a sort of "Teen Revolution

I'm guessing that Cobain believed that "scent" could be used in the future to "ferment"
what he saw as a utopian cultural revolution led by the youth.

"Scent" could be used in the future to rouse and incite youth just like Rock music has in the past.

This induced agitation could provoke actions needed to achieve Maoist Revolution worldwide.

If music can incite a riot, then "scent" should be able to as well. Perhaps "scent" would produce a more powerful response in people than music ever did.

In the near future, this blog will look at recent scientific and biological achievements
in things referred to as "enzymatically controlled transformations of organic compounds"

Or specifically- developments in manufacturing "odorless" scents. Scents that when smelled, result in a physical and emotional reactions in people.

And since there can be subliminal imagery disguised within music, then scents can
be "disguised" as well.


I'd like to thank "RAND" for providing assistance with this Blog Posting. And I'm not referring to "Ayn Rand"!

BO Legal Advisor "Cass Sunstein" & His Plans To Shut Down Free Speech

A common theme in the BO campaign is that certain
things are hidden and certain things are not.

The BO Campaign is bold in its mission to "reshape"
American by destroying.

Today I will feature a key Advisor named Cass Sunstein.
He is currently a "Legal Advisor" to the campaign.

You can look him up in Google News. He's in all the
headlines right now trying to say that "redistribution
of wealth" is not Socialism.

Trying to understand how someone like Cass Sunstein
thinks is hard to do. It's probably because this graduate
from the University Of Chicago Law School thinks the same
way as....

William Ayers.

I'd like to draw your attention to an article published
on 11-07-07 in

Here's the Headline

"Legal sage Cass Sunstein says democracy is the first casualty of political discourse
in the digital age."

I'll give you the short version.

This is what Cass Sunstein believes and the things he'd
like to do.

First; "Political Discourse" is the open, free discussion of issues
relating to US Government and Politics.

1.Sunstein believe that Political Discourse has "lost traditional civic virtues like civility, self-criticism and open-mindedness".

2. Sunstein believe that the "Chicago Tribune" is "an example of a not very partisan paper, and is more reliable.

The interviewer asked Sunstein the following question:

"You start the book by arguing that there are constitutional grounds for limiting choice -- that the First Amendment is specifically designed to promote democratic deliberation, that it doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want. As I was reading, I thought you were clearing a legal path for some radical policy prescriptions."

Sunstein replies with the following:

"The first book [""] had suggestions that government should consider fairness-doctrine-type mandates on Web sites."


And you thought that BO wasn't interested in bringing back the Fairness Doctrine to shut
down any criticism from talk radio?

Forget about outright censorship. Blogs like this one would be immediately shut down
because they don't consider "Self Criticism"?

Sunstein's use of the words "Self Criticism" is key here.

Self Criticism is also known as "Self Doubt". Which results in feelings of guilt.

Sunstein thinks Self Criticism is a good thing when engaged in Political Discourse.

In other words, Sunstein believe the people have an OBLIGATION to doubt their own beliefs.
Sunstein wants people to DOUBT themselves. He wants you to say things to yourself like:

"I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing".

"That Can't Be- I Must Be Going Insane"

"I Don't Believe That Genocide Plans are Being Carried Out Against The
American People. I DOUBT that very much".

Sunstein wants you to NOT BELIEVE what his and gang of thugs are up to.

"Well, the Holocaust Could Never Happen In The USA" (Even Though Sunstein's
colleagues have wrote books studying the Nazi Holocaust")

"BO is NOT the product of the latest in technological developments cleverly
disguised by the most expensive HOLLYWOOD created "Special Effects" ever!
I seriously DOUBT that.

I criticize myself for even thinking about it!

Don't Fall For The Sunstein Philosophy!

Refuse! Resist!

Pakistan Daily News Reports On FEMA Camps!

I cannot emphasize enough about these traps called the FEMA
"Evacuation Camps".

This is NOT an Internet Rumour!

I just came across the following news story from the Daily
Pakistan News of all places. Odd, this isn't on FOX NEWS?
Fox News is currently running a story about a kitten
trapped in a tree.

Perhaps they should report on plans to trap humans in
something far worse than a tree!

Over 800 American concentration camps are fully operational and ready for prisoners

I am going to reprint the story here so all can view it:

"These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) following declaration of martial law (at the stroke of a Presidential pen plus the Attorney General’s signature on a warrant).While currently empty, all camps are staffed and manned by full-time guards, standing ready to receive U.S. prisoners who disagree with the government. Like Nazi extermination camps, many of the FEMA camps have Red/Blue lines:Red List – These are enemies of the New World Order. Two weeks before martial law they could be taken from their homes and flown to camps for immediate extermination. Generally, these are people in leadership roles or other public positions.Blue List – Also enemies of the New World Order but not necessarily leaders. After martial law these people could be rounded up for “re-programming” in the camps. Survivors will be used mostly for slave labor.Omissions such as mentioned here—a comprehensive list would be enormous…even one covering just the last eight years. Such a list includes: obvious and repeated federal election fraud; truth about 9/11 and its cover-up; truth about our illegal wars of aggression; truth about the current bankster coup and the trillion-dollar taxpayer drop in the bailout bucket which will largely go to foreign investors to avert lawsuits against fraudsters such as Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson; truth about the scuttling of the United States as a sovereign nation to make way for the corporate/fascist New World Order….The main theme in omissions always orbits crucial truth people need to know, truth the ruling elite want suppressed. As it stands now, the more truth involved, and the more important that truth to the American people, the more likely a story is to be omitted.We’ve come far down this road to oblivion, hustled along by lies, fraud, deception, distraction, fiendish exploitation of our own pathetic gullibility…and omission. How might we shatter the gullibility?Imagine the American people…imagine us turning around and marching back toward truth. Can we still save the Republic, still save ourselves? The Big Bailout just blew us miles further, down the road.


Now, reader may ask me- How did I find out this information about FEMA camps?

The answer is Cryptography!

Big Brother knows this and is running computer code all over the web trying
to decode what the US public knows about this.

Message to Big Brother>>You can have all the latest, complicated Cryptography
programs you want. You can buy programmers India to write the code.

But you keep forgetting one thing! These technologies do NOT capture the most important thing to Crack Code. Human Emotion. Human Spirit. Free Will.

Big Brother can manfacture clones, robots and combinations of clones and robots but the end result is never a 100% biological human being.

Big Brothers at Google and others>>Read Your Bible! I know you think it is a "book of Hate".
Its' not, the Koran is! But you should read the Bible. That is, before it is banned at Barnes and Noble and burned in bonfires set by the New Youth Army.


The traitors at google can take Trillions from George Soros and Company. They can place google ads on every web site. These google ads collect and catalog content on the web sites on which they are placed. Google can censor and scrub the internet.

They will try every way possible. But Google cannot ever duplicate or clone the human spirit, the human soul and the Free Will of Human Nature.

Go read the Ayn Rand book you were supposed to read in English 101 you creeps.

peace out


I'm Watching The Latest ECOLI Outbreak!!!

Just as I predicted (to myself) and readers of this Blog.

Apparently there's some "Social Engineering" going on right
now as we speak in Ontario, Canada. The location should be
noted because it is Niagra Falls, which is right on the US

I'd like to quote a couple of the news sources I'm
reading from google News.

21 Hours Ago:
E. coli cases now reported in Quebec and BC

"There are now 217 cases, of which 42 are lab confirmed for E. coli O157:H7. This number includes cases from 8 other Ontario Health Units, ..."

"Dr. Catherine Whiting also said of the 217 cases, 42 are confirmed to have been infected with E. coli O157: H7, the strain that first turned up a..."

Now, I'm not a medical professional. I'm far from it.

I had been hearing for weeks of a manufactured ECOLI outbreak introduced
into US Society. It would be so severe that the November elections may
not be held at all. Could it be that BO would lose in a Landslide if it was a FAIR
election. Not one fixed by ACORN's bringing Illegal Aliens in by the busload to
the polling places of swing states to vote 72 times over.

I had been hearing that the ECOLI outbreak would happen in the Atlanta, Georgia
to create chaos and herd panicked citizens into FEMA CAMPS for "protection".

The more I'm reading about this ECOLI outbreak gets worse as I read about it.

"(The Current) outbreak comes on the heels of a similar one connected to a Harvey's restaurant in North Bay, Ont., about 450 kilometres north. In that outbreak, which was first noted on Oct. 11, 217 illnesses have now been reported."

Interestingly, one of the doctors is quoted in the story is saying the following:

"Dr. Sider said there are now slight delays in receiving test results from the provincial lab that analyzes E. coli samples, given the scope of the concurrent outbreaks.
"It must swamp the system," added Brett Finlay, a University of British Columbia microbiologist and E. coli expert."

Hmmm. "Swamp The System"? Isn't that special!

E. coli O157: H7 does not sound good.

What if the government manufactured an ECOLI outbreak from a source that our
Scientists couldn't identify. That they couldn't be able to identify EVER. Well, the
only way it would be possible I'm guessing is to use a strain of ECOLI "modified" or
altered from the "feces" of an animal that does originate from our planet.

I'm hoping I'm wrong. This sounds like a small outbreak. What the powers behind would
be a "test run" like the chaos caused by the recent "gas shortage" in the Atlanta area.

If I'm NOT wrong, and this disesase spreads across the border and into the USA.
Please PLEASE spread the word that people SHOULD NOT, under ANY circumstances
report to any FEMA camp.

Please don't view this as Medical advice, since I'm not a Doctor.

But again, I have been hearing for the last couple of weeks that an ECOLI outbreak would be used to get people into US Gov't FEMA camps.

If you are reading this and are in one of the affected areas, you will need to make a decision
if you are asked to report to a FEMA center to obtain medical assistance and protection from any disease outbreak.

My prayers go out to our friendly neighbors in Canada.


Legend Of The Pied Piper

Professor William Ayers is a noted Educator.

He has written many books on Education of children
and teenagers.

The theme is always the same. How to use children
who don't know right from wrong to advance a "cause".

William Ayers describes the "cause" as "Social Justice"

Some may criticize Ayers as brainwashing and indoctrinating
children. That's true, but what he has proven to his so called
colleagues is much more sinister.

Ayers realizes he will need an huge Army to carry out his

Ayers knows that the entire US Military is not large enough
for a complete Coup.

Ayers knows that foot soldiers will be needed.

How were rebellious children used to carry out Evil
in our recent history?

Before we answer that questions, let's look at a more
urgent question:

Are the children in the USA ready to be used to carry out
a nefarious agenda?

Recently, there was video of a TV News broadcast on some teenage
Cheerleaders in Texas.

The Cheerleaders lived in an affluent community in Texas.

The video captured a Cheerleading routine at the start of
a High School athletic event.

The "routine" was the "mock execution" of an opponent.

I saw this as a dress rehearsal.

While researching the story, I've noted the following.

A decent student wrote about her observations on the cheerleading
routine in the student newspaper. Her written opinion was at first
censored by the High School Principal in the School Newspaper.

The student complained that the Cheerleading routine was viewing
an opponent in an Athletic contest as an "opponent" to be "eliminated".
Not simply defeated as would be in a hockey match.

Later, the Principal relented to the student's parents protests about
the censorship and let the opinion be published in the newspaper.

The principal made sure the opinion was "buried" i.e. page B-6
of the school newspaper.

The Principal's comment to the TV News reporters, was that

"We (or I, the Prinicipal), believe there are more important issues to
discuss, like Global Warming."

The mother of the student who complained identified herself on camera
as a member of the Republican party.

This news story confirmed to me that many children in the USA
have been "programmed" in a certain way.

The scariest part of the news story was the realization is that this
"programming" of the children is irreversible.

Note that the "programming" of the minds of children is much
different than "brainwashing".

They are two very different techniques. But when they are
used together, they are potent beyond what people can imagine.


The Khmer Rouge in Pol Pot's Cambodia used child soldiers to execute
their opponents. The opponents were any objected to the Great Leader
Pol Pot, and any who criticized him.

In the last couple of decades, children were often used as soliders
in conflicts in Africa.

A recent Hollywood dramatization of this can be seen in a Leonard DiCarpio
movie, called "Blood Diamond" I believe.

In this movie, the child soldiers were given opiates desensitize them from
what they were doing. The children did not know right from wrong. They
were rewarded for their actions with material things and sexual release.

Many in the blogosphere compare the current climate and rise of fascism
to the formation of the Hitler Youth brigades.

I'm not going to analyze that here because I never studied the Hitler Youth.
I was never interested in learning about them.

What I do know is the story of the Pied Piper.

According to the legend, the Pied Piper was hired
by the townspeople to get rid of the infestation of rats.

He lured the rats to their death in a river. But the townspeople
refused to pay him for his servies.

For revenge, the Pied Piper came back into town and played
a different tune.

This time, he lured the children of the town away from their
homes. The children were never seen again.

There were only 2 children who were not succesfully lured
by the Pied Piper.

One was deaf and couldn't hear the music and the other was
handicapped and couldn't walk.


Just by playing simple music, the Pied Piper lead innocent children
to death and destuction.

In other words, just by playing a "song" - children would be on
the march.

In the legend, the parents of the children had no idea what was going
on. They were seen as "clueless".

What I'm pointing out here is that Ayers and company realize how
easy it is to replicate the Pied Piper to carry out their deeds.

Ayers dreams of a day when his foot soldiers would hear a "song"
on the internet, radio or TV and would spring into action and
carry out implanted instructions.

Realization on to what Ayers is trying to accomplish should make
parents ever more vigilant over their children's activities.

In Today's society, that impossible for a parent to achieve.

Therefore, even with Parents doing every thing they can
to protect innocent children from harm- they are still

Social Workers used to refer to these types of Children
as "At-Risk". In other words, vulnerable to exploitation,
drug abuse, prostitutions, proclivity towards criminal
behavior, ect.

All I can do is to hope that other people in the US to realize this as a National
security issue.

Ayers and the people who think like him really believe they've improved
upon the methods used by Pol Pot, the Maoists, ect to carry out what
they believe a "revolutions". However, their idea of a "revolution"
results in widespread death of innocents, unspeakable carnage and
damage to society that cannot be repaired.

Sorry to spoil your meal.


How To Create A Worm Hole For Fun & Profit?

As I've docmented previously, Eugene Golub (An apparent assoc of William Ayers)- put together an historic Matrix Computation.

Eugene Golub subscribed to the same perverted world view as William Ayers.

From researching Leonary Golub, we can assume that the ACORN doesn't fall far
from the tree.

While Genie took his secrets to the grave, we can learn a great deal from his accomplishments.

Now, for the scientifically challenged, let's examine what a WORM HOLE really is.

Wikipedia describes it as this:

In physics, a wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is fundamentally a 'shortcut' through space and time.

OK, I'm with you so far.

A wormhole could allow time travel.[8]

My biggest question is this- when the mad scientists created the Worm Hole in 1982,
what really happened?

I see all the mumbo jumbo physics jargon in the published texts.

As someone who DOESN'T believe in the "Supernatural", I'm keeping an open mind here.

Based on the Hollywood movies that I've been brainwashed with, I assume that the Worm Hole created some passageway to HELL for lack of a better description.

Message to those who eff'd with Mother Nature in this way>>Karma is a "b---h".

I suspect that something resembling a worm came out of the worm hole (makes sense right)?

What I find fascinating here is how the Hollywood power brokers are constantly tipped off to the most Top Secret information in our government.

And who can blame the Hollywood wheeler dealers for not wanting to use their Inside Information to make a buck? After all, that's what they do on Wall Street, right? And I am referring to the Wall Street of the past.

So, all these great box office movies were created like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the MATRIX series, Matt Damnon's Bourne Identity series, ect.

And little "low budget" films like John Sayles "Brother From Another Planet" which was ironically released in year 1984.

I suspect the Worm that came forward from the Black Hole wasn't not pleased.

After all, Dwight Eisenhower publicly stated back in the day that the USA might have to wage
warfare with an Enemy not from Planet Earth.

I don't know the full Star Wars series, I thought the Matrix movies were sickening (now I know why), I'm not a big sci-fi fan but I know about Philip K. Dick and the origins of Cyber punk.

Stay with me on this...

Worm appeared from Black Hole experiment sometime in 1982.

Worm wasn't happy. Worm says to scientists, you have a Choice.

You can either make me the ruler of Planet Earth or I'll simply have to
get rid of you.

And so ends the "Society for Social Responsibility in Science". Or at least that aspect of it.

And like any High School Earth Science Teacher, who can resist a great Lab Experiment?

The rest I'm unclear on.

I'm certain the rest of the puzzle involves the following pieces.




New World Order Trillion dollars of funding.

Rockefeller Institute and the "way they think society should run".

William Ayers (Of course!)




U.N. (United Nations)

Atlanta (ATL)

Google (To help cover up the trail of cookie crumbs)

Stay tuned for our next exciting (?) episode.

One last note:

I've always maintained that these Evil Doers are *too good* at what they do.
And since some of them are still 100% human, they make mistakes.
And that their mistakes will be their downfall.

project pjs pc

Alessandro Coppola

Who or what is Alessandro Coppola?

What is Alessandro Coppola's relationship
to all the currrently engineered madness
enveloping planet earth like the Bubonic

I'll tell you how I discovered this name.

My notes have been stolen from a certain
un-named Contractor. But I'll use the
best of my recollection.

I was researching Black Holes or Worm Holes.

That lead me to research current milestones
in genetic engineering and robotics.

I was also researching the following:

New World Order

Cloning, Twinning

Intersex. Characteristics
of Hermaphrodites



One thing lead to another and I came across
Alessandro Coppola.

I'm not sure what "Alessandro Coppola" is exactly.

Currently, on the internet there are some web sites
that suggest that Alessandro Coppola is a male model
born sometime around 7-17-1982.

I'd like to note a couple of things here.

The last name- Coppola.

Francis Ford Coppola is one of the most
famous HOLLYWOOD directors.

HOLLYWOOD is known for its "Magic".
It's distortion of facts. It's ingenious use
of deception.

Hollywood movies frequently attempt
to "re-write" American history as they
think it should be.

For example, Do you want to learn about
the JFK Conpiracy? Well there's a famous
movie you can watch.

Apollo moon landings? Ditto.

Do you want to learn about Dubya? Well,
the Pundits suggest you see a movie not
currently playing at a theatre near you.

Hollywood was identified as being an Agent
of Anti-Americanism back in the 1950's.

1950's Hollywood saw itself as an Agent Of "Change".

Joe McCarthy was famous in his pursuit of
Hollywood traitors. He exposed many Hollywood
screenwriters as Communists.

McCarthy went after the most dangerous ones.

The ones in Hollywood who were actively working
for the destruction of America, and for the takeover
of our great country by Communists.

Some might say that McCarthy went too far.

I say he did not go far enough!

Today, liberal lunatics use the term "McCarthyism"
to describe a witchhunt. "McCarthyism" is used
to denote an "unjust" investigation with nefarious

"McCarthyism" is used the same way liberals have
used the current slogan of "Swift Boating".

They New Left uses these terms for one purpose.- To shut
down their opposition.


As of today, little information can be found about "Alessandro
Coppola". There are photos that purport to show his likeness.

There is an interesting web site I just looked at called:

I'm noting here the following recurring themes used in
conjunction with this name:


Intersex; Hermaphroditism

Wealth, Exoticism.



Gender Manipulation in regards to Gender Image.

Children's Fairy tales.

Hollywood movies i.e. Wizard Of Oz

Metamorphisis or something that is constantly Changing.

Artifical Intelligence

Altered States, drug induced altered states

Cloning. How can you tell who is a Clone and who is not?


Stay Tuned for More on This Developing Story.

Remember: The Revolution will NOT be televised.

Note To Readers:

I created this Blog to warm my fellow US Citizens of the impending
danger we are in.

I promised myself I would Keep It Simple.

I'd like to apologize for my word play.

I'm going to keep my writing in the current "mode"
due to current technological developments in something
called "Cryptography".

I've not kept up with technology in recent years.
In fact, I'm quite a throwback to 20th Century
Analog technology.



BO Brother From Another Planet?

IS Barack Hussein Obama a "Brother From Another Planet"?

There was a recent televised public appearance of BO
with John (Jesus) McCain, Former Airman.

I can't recall the details, but it was a Dinner. A NYC
dinner/reception for top movers and shakers.

You can still google the video at You Tube. Assuming
that Stalin's Housekeepers haven't fixed the plumbing

At this dinner, Broadcast in its entirety on FOX NEWS.
There were a couple of odd things mentioned by both

McCain made a strange reference to Zororastrianism.

Hussein admitted he was from another planet. I can't
recall the exact quote.

The Ultimate Machurian Candidate's bold admission
was not surprising.

If follows a pattern here. Those behind Hussein are
fearless. They like to brag. They like to brag about
how they are getting away with perpetuating the
greatest fraud in American History.

They like to brag about how they engineered the
greatest theft of treaure in the history of mankind.

I'd like to note here that the CIA engineered coup
we are seeing unfolding before our eyes has the
following elements to it.




Is the CIA really willing to boldly wage war on its own people?
The Citizens of the USA?

Yes. Apparently, there have been forces within the US
Government that having been waging war on the US
people at varying degrees throughout our Great country's
relative short history.

One "conspiracy theory" that should be researched by
any reader of this blog is that of AIDS. AIDS created
as a disease to wage warfare. Biological warfare.

I've researched this AIDS conspiracy a little bit.

I've noted a really odd thing about it.

It involves the injecting and the deliberate infection
of AIDS to mostly white homosexuals living in
NYC around 1980 to 1982.

I believe the accepted government-media pushed
theory of a "Patient Zero" in the AIDS crisis is
complete Bulls----!

I'm still working on this theory but it involves
the following:


1980-1983 NYC Homosexual Community

"Siddiqui Sohale"

Answers To Questions About Bill Ayers

A character based on Bill Ayers appeared in a "Short Story" by a filmmaker
named John Sayles.

The short story is called:

"At The Anarchists Convention"

Described as:

"Indeed one of his earliest stories, the signature story in the "At the Anarchists' Convention" collection (1979), is a warmly rollicking satire of the Old Left at a convention of lost causes."

John Sayles also featured a character based on Ayers in his first film.

The film was called: "The Return Of The Seacaucs Seven" (1980)

The film is described as:

"Former 1960's radical activists gather at a reunion in a small town near Boston for a weekend of hugs, nostalgia, basketball, mutual commiseration. There is also a mutual quiet self-congratulation as most have been successfully incorporated into the system as drug counselors, high school teachers, women doctors, etc. Even they whisper, not entirely guiltily, about co-optation."

What I am unclear about is Ayers real life relationship to John Sayles.

I can't find any documentation showing the 2 actually knew each other.

However, I went on to research the first film made by John Sayles.

The film was called: "Brother From Another Planet". It was released in 1984.

The following description of the film was found at a radical left wing web site:

"Even "Brother From Another Planet" (1984) resonates with the hippie generation's beguiling
disingenuous questioning of why not: What is all this race nonsense about? The movie
challenges the received norms initiated by the civil rights movement at the same time that
the silent Black brother (another Sayles regular, Joe Morton) primarily owes his survival-
as an escaping slave from another planet-to the unstated, unorganized network of solidarity
of the local Harlem working class."

A close friend of John Sayles is someone known as:

David Straithairn

Straithairn appeared in many of John Sayles early films.

I did some research on Straitharin and found that his most recent work
was a documentary he produced. The documentary film was a biography
of Barack Hussein Obama and was played at the DNC Convention a couple
of months ago.

Anyway, back to the Anarchists Convention.

Oh, BTW: John Sayles currently has a NYC based company named:

"Anarchists Convention Inc."

In Sayles short story, "At The Anarchists Convention" there is an interesting
character named "Leo Gold".

"Leo Gold" is described in Wikipedia as the following:

"A pessimistic, aging author and former labor organizer..."

Hmm. That's funny. Isn't Bill Ayers an "aging author" also?

Where can we find "Leo Gold" today?

Well, there's someone using the name of Leo Gold hosting a
radio show on radio station KPFT.

Leo Gold hosts a radio show called "The New Capital Show".

But what is the real name of the radio host?

"Leonard M. Golub"

"Leonard M Golub" is the owner of a company called "New Capital Management".

The website recently changed, but one of his top clients
is none other than George Soros. (Hi Georgey!)

Who is Leonard M. Golub's father?

Eugene Golub.

Eugene Howard Golub passed away in 2007.

There is a Wikipedia entry on Eugene Howard Golub.

He is referred to as "On of the preeminent numerical analysts of his generation."

But what is Eugene Howard Golub's most controversial work?
Oh, I forgot to mention his employment at a notable CHICAGO area University.

One of his best-known books is Matrix Computations.

What is the Matrix Computation you ask?

Well, let's see. I don't know much about Physics. But I do know the

1. The Matrix is series of HOLLYWOOD science fiction movies.

2. The Matrix is often referred to as a WORM HOLE or Black Hole.

3. Scientists created this WORM HOLE sometime in 1982. I'll post the
details later.


Bill Ayers

John Sayles

John Sayles "fictional works"

The Anarchists Convention featured a character named Leo Gold.

Leonard M Golum uses the name of Leo Gold for his FM radio
show which celebrates Anarchy.

Leonard M Golum's top client is GEORGE SOROS

Leonard M Golum's father is EUGUGE HOWARD GOLUB.

Eugene Howard Golub came up with the "Matrix Computation".

This "Computation" describes the theory of the BLACK HOLE or

Scientists created a WORM HOLE in 1982.


Next Lesson:

Details of the scientific experiment in 1982 that reportedly
created this Worm Hole.

What really happen during this "experiment"?

What "details" have been conveniently left out of
the academic reports?

As Teacher, I will also talk about some related subjects.
Please prepare for our next lesson by learning some basic
background material on the following subjects.

Genetic Engineering



Theories of creation of a "Master Race".


See you next time.

Peace out.

The Way Things Look

What does the current election look like?

It appears to be a former POW tortured by
the Viet Cong running against a follower
of Viet Cong philosophy.

It looks like a payback for revenge scenerio.

It appears to be Bill Ayers revenge.

Once America is punished for alleged atrocities
in the Vietnam War, the stage will be set
for a new kind of payback.

Will it be the to avenge the sins of Slavery
during the Civil War era?

Will it be a "variation" or "Slave Reparations"?

Stay tuned to MSNBC and Rachel Maddow for


Is the current conflict we are seeing prophesized
in the Bible?

Perhaps. I am not a Biblical expert.

I do see current events portrayed in a novel
by an author named Philip K. Dick.

In the 1950's, Philip K. Dick wrote a "science
fiction" short novel entitled, "Cosmic Puppets".

I researched this "story" and found many parallels
to current world events.

Unfortunately, there is no detailing of specific
events in the "novel" to determine "what's going
to happen next".

But as Bill Ayers said in his blog, "When Empires end,
it will be very, very messy..."

Speaking of Mr. Ayers, I'd like to ask readers of this
blog some questions.

1. How did the photo of Bill Ayers standing atop an
American Flag "magically" appear on the front page
of the New York Times the morning of the 9-11
attacks? That's a very odd coincidence.

2. Bill Ayers received a "gift" from the North Vietnamese
some years ago when he was in Canada. The "gift"
was a ring. The type of ring one would put on your finger.
Apparently the "ring" was made of a molten metal.
What were the contents of the molten metal? Hint:
You don't need to be a scientist or chemist to find
the answer.

3. Was Mr. Ayers portrayed in a Hollywood movie
by someone named John Sayles? I believe the
movie was named, "The Return Of The Seacaucus

4. Was Mr. Ayers also portrayed in a "Short Story" by
John Sayles? I believe the story was entitled, the "Anarchists

Readers interested in the work of John Sayles might
be very interested in a movie released in 1984.

The movie was named:

"Brother From Another Planet".

More on John Sayles at a later time.

5. Was Bill Ayers a CIA informant at one time? Was
he paid by the CIA to give them information on his
fellow "activists"?

6. Mr Ayers if very smart. Very book smart. He's published
many novels. In one of his novels he referred to recent
additions to his "family". He mentions his son's wife's name
and then to someone he refers to as "Magic".

Who is "Magic"?

I've researched this and "Magic" is NOT the name of one
his grandchildren.

7. Is that an a friend of Mr. Ayers I just saw in a recent You
Tube video? Y'know the video where Mr. Ayers' friend states
that about 25 million people will have to be eliminated in the
USA because they will stand in the way of the Communist

8. Isn't it strange that our so called "News Reporters" appear
clueless when they get the rare chance to speak with Mr. Ayers?
I really can't blame the News Reporter, as they haven't done
the in-depth research on Ayers.

My advice to readers. Follow the money. Discover the Network.
All roads lead from William Ayers.

Resisteance Is Not Futile!

My recommendations

Organizing an Anti-Fascist resistance.

The 2nd Amendment permits gun ownership
and the organization of State Militias.

The best protection for average US Citizens
at this time is gun ownership.


Can I Rely On The Internet As A Source For

Good question. It has been said that governments
are drooling to control the internet.

I'd like to point out the access to internet
content is already being done in the US
as we speak.

I am seeing access to certain websites
"blocked" by my Internet explorer
browser. The error messages given by
my browser are odd.

Do you see current anti-Big Brother content
mysteriously vanish from google and You Tube?

Why have the Google founders recently endorsed
Project BO for the highest office in the land?

What is George Soros' connection to Google?

Why has Google, Yahoo and others so willingly
cooperated with the government of China?

Current Internet technology is being manipulated
right before our eyes to enforce the censorship
of certain content.

Major Internet providers such as Verizon already
have "policies" prohibiting end users from posting
"misleading" or "deceptive" content. On the
Verizon web site it states that end users also
may not access "hateful" or "bigoted" content.

Verizon also has some interesting words written
by their lawyers. It states something along the
lines of :

"Currently, there are no laws prohibiting access
to certain internet sites..."

It's like they are waiting for the go-ahead to enforce
any that will restrict US Citizens access to internet

Verizon recently was under fire for refusing to carry
text messages from a Political Organization on one
of their Wireless servies.

When this was exposed in the US News Media, Verizon
quickly backed down.

According to the Verizon web site, their policy regarding
carrying certain political messages was communicated
to a letter to a FCC Commisioner.

A search for this letter on the internet came up with

The bottom line is this:

No, the internet cannot be relied upon for any news
of an anti-fascist movement in the USA.

I'm not sure if individual PC's cannot be relied upon.

I would recommend that readers of this blog try
to look at recent activity on any Firewall they
have configured.

What Is The Perfect Storm?

A perfect storm is also known as a storm i.e. hurricane that is capable of bringing
great death and destruction.

A perfect storm can also refer to something other than stormy

It can refer to a man made attempt to bring forth such events.

What do you see as the current weather conditions for a "Perfect

A charismatic leader about to win command of the US military.

Demonization of Conservatives in the US. The Nazis in Germany
made people believe that the Jews were less than human. Once
they were viewed by the people as Evil, it was very easy for
the Nazis to commit mass murder.

The unstable economic conditions.

US Citizens not knowing what Socialism is. I can understand
because it is not even taught in the US public schools.

US Citizens confused, looking for answers. Looking for "Change".

Current state of social disorder or current chaos is society.

Current World Events. For example, I'm watching with great
interest the manuevers for the Russian Military. Yesterday,
I saw a headline in the news that the Russian Military was going
to offer "assistance" to Cuba.

Current Demographics in the US as of 2008.


How do You See the Current Plans Being Carried Out?

First, I'll define the Current Plan as "genocide".

They will need to put citizens in FEMA camps.
They can do this is many ways. I've discovered
that there are plans either in place right now or being carried
out to "maufacture" an outbreak of "disease".

Please Google "biological attack" or "biological
weapon of mass destruction".

Another plan I see in place right now is what many
refer to as "Race Riot".

Many people see a "racial conflict" or riot on the horizon
in the US.

Suspension of the US Constitution

In the event of an "attack" on US soil, our Goverment
can suspend the US Constitution during an "emergency".
This will permit something called "Martial Law".

During "Martial Law", all US Civil Liberties will be
suspended. There will be a "media" or US Television
News blackout.


What is "Social Engineering"?

Social Engineering is the manufacturing of social

For example, you can research the recent gasoline shortage
in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

The official explanation for this shortage is that there
was a disruption of gasoline delivery in this area
due to a recent hurricane.

DO NOT believe that explanation. Not even for
a second!

The people carrying out these little Social Engineering
"experiments" are very clever.

I've done a little research into how easily a food shortage
can be manufactured in the USA.

All food is brought to the grocery stores in the US by
truck. If there is a gasoline shortage, the trucks cannot
make their deliveries.

I've noted that current gasoline reserves in the US are
the lowest since the 1960's.

It would be very easy to provoke a food shortage in the US.

Is the current economic crisis an example of Social Engineering?

Yes. Apparently, just one man can bring down the currency or
financial system of a Third World Country.

This was done not too long ago by a man named George Soros.

George Soros manipulated the Currency or FOREX markets
to destabilize and reduce the economy of a certain country
in Asia to rubble.

There was also a recent case of a FOREX trader in the UK
who brought down and collapsed one of the UK's oldest

(DJIA) going back and forth like a seesaw>

Apparently, manipulating the DJIA can be as easy as someone
flicking on or off a lightswitch in your house!

If you see a Perfect Storm in the USA, what does one do?

Disaster Preparations. Go to the SURVIVALIST blogs on
the internet.

There is a great description of the Survivalist movement in

Too Unbelievable To Be True?

Yes. I know. This all sounds all to unbelievable
to be true.

What are the best sources on the internet
for information that I should be following?

The Drudge Report

World Net Daily

Free Republic


What is the biggest danger right now?

Any attempt to get people into a FEMA camp.

FEMA is the Federal Agency that coordinates

US government response to any man made

or natural "Disaster".

Answers To Your Questions!

Is this Presidential election really that important?

Absolutely! The biggest reason is that the winner
will get control of the US Military.

Why are Republicans being targeted in this

Many people believe that Republicans are evil.
If you don't believe this, you can research comments
made by Howard Dean some years ago. Howard
Dean is the Chairman of the DNC. He told
the US Media outlets that "Republicans are evil".

I see many parallels to what is happening in the
USA right now to what happened to Nazi Germany.
Is my perception accurate?

YES! Many of people behind the powers that be
have studied the Holocaust for many many years.
They've published academic papers. They've
researched the various strategies used in genocide
and have made recommendations.

How are the followers of the current candidate being

In many, many ways. The major way these crowds
are being manipulated is thru the "scent" in the
air. The "scent" as in your sense of smell.

There's a great Hollywood movie about how
"scent" or the sense of smell can be manipulated
to kill people. The name of the movie is called

Who or what exactly is B.O. or BO?

A "thing" that is leading the charge to bring
down America.

What is this "thing"? What is it made of?

The best answer I can give right now is to
look at the current news headlines in the US
Media regarding the following:

Iraq war veterans being outfitted with artficial

Robotics. The current state of robotics in science

Genetic Engineering. The current capabilities
in genetic engineering.

Cloning. The current developments of the ability
to clone animals.


Part of the problem in explaining all this
is that if I spell it out, and write it down for
people is that it comes across as too
unbelievable to be true.

And that's EXACTLY what THEY are counting

So, I'll try to explain things as best I can, and try
to keep things simple.

Feel free to email with any questions!

Feel free to post comments on this blog.

I'll do my best to answer them all!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is going on right now?

The collapse of Western Civilization.
The collapse of civilized society.
The collapse of the United States Of America.

Why Now?

Many reasons.
The forces behind the current orchestrated
collapse view this as a perfect time.

Who Are These Forces?

Its really complicated. The people
in the USA behind this are very
wealthy. As in multi-Billionaires.

Do They Know What They Are Doing?


Do They Know What They Are Doing Is Harmful
to People?

Yes. But they see it as a good thing.

OK. So there are people with lots of money trying
to Change the USA by bringing it down. These
people seem to be very evil?

Very evil.

Are we witnessing the rise of the Anti-Christ as talked
about in the Bible?

YES! There are many, many parallels.

What do these Evil people want to accomplish
in the end?

They feel that citizens of the USA are too wealthy.
If you compare the wealth in the USA to other
nations, you'll find that US Citizens are the
wealthiest in the history of the planet!

When I look for answers, why do I see everyone
speaking in "Codes" or "Secret Codes"?

They speak in codes because they are afraid.
They are afraid that if they tell the truth, people
will come after them. I feel that it is important
for people to NOT give into fear.

What your are saying is quite frightening.
Aren't you playing into their hands by
saying what you are saying?

NO! It is very important to spread the word
what is going on.

Countdown: One Week Until 1984

Washed Up Terrorist

Why should anyone care about a Washed Up Terrorist?

To find out the truth about what is going on in the world
you need to start by researching Bill Ayers also known
as William Ayers.

The Greatest Danger

There are plans right now to launch an airborne virus.
The virus will be a modified version of what is commonly
known as ECOLI.

People residing in the affected area will be urged to
go to FEMA camps for protection. FEMA camps
are areas set up by the Federal Emergency Management

Do NOT under ANY circumstances go to a FEMA
camp. It will be much safer to remain in your homes.

You will need to look at the FEMA camps as a Trap.
You need to avoid the Trap!

The folks in the FEMA camp will only realize that
they are in a trap when it's too late.

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?

My best advice at this time would be to arm yourself.
They are various "Survivalist" blogs on the internet.
They are dedicated to preparations and plans to
survive any man made or natural disaster.