Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

What is going on right now?

The collapse of Western Civilization.
The collapse of civilized society.
The collapse of the United States Of America.

Why Now?

Many reasons.
The forces behind the current orchestrated
collapse view this as a perfect time.

Who Are These Forces?

Its really complicated. The people
in the USA behind this are very
wealthy. As in multi-Billionaires.

Do They Know What They Are Doing?


Do They Know What They Are Doing Is Harmful
to People?

Yes. But they see it as a good thing.

OK. So there are people with lots of money trying
to Change the USA by bringing it down. These
people seem to be very evil?

Very evil.

Are we witnessing the rise of the Anti-Christ as talked
about in the Bible?

YES! There are many, many parallels.

What do these Evil people want to accomplish
in the end?

They feel that citizens of the USA are too wealthy.
If you compare the wealth in the USA to other
nations, you'll find that US Citizens are the
wealthiest in the history of the planet!

When I look for answers, why do I see everyone
speaking in "Codes" or "Secret Codes"?

They speak in codes because they are afraid.
They are afraid that if they tell the truth, people
will come after them. I feel that it is important
for people to NOT give into fear.

What your are saying is quite frightening.
Aren't you playing into their hands by
saying what you are saying?

NO! It is very important to spread the word
what is going on.

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