Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Alessandro Coppola

Who or what is Alessandro Coppola?

What is Alessandro Coppola's relationship
to all the currrently engineered madness
enveloping planet earth like the Bubonic

I'll tell you how I discovered this name.

My notes have been stolen from a certain
un-named Contractor. But I'll use the
best of my recollection.

I was researching Black Holes or Worm Holes.

That lead me to research current milestones
in genetic engineering and robotics.

I was also researching the following:

New World Order

Cloning, Twinning

Intersex. Characteristics
of Hermaphrodites



One thing lead to another and I came across
Alessandro Coppola.

I'm not sure what "Alessandro Coppola" is exactly.

Currently, on the internet there are some web sites
that suggest that Alessandro Coppola is a male model
born sometime around 7-17-1982.

I'd like to note a couple of things here.

The last name- Coppola.

Francis Ford Coppola is one of the most
famous HOLLYWOOD directors.

HOLLYWOOD is known for its "Magic".
It's distortion of facts. It's ingenious use
of deception.

Hollywood movies frequently attempt
to "re-write" American history as they
think it should be.

For example, Do you want to learn about
the JFK Conpiracy? Well there's a famous
movie you can watch.

Apollo moon landings? Ditto.

Do you want to learn about Dubya? Well,
the Pundits suggest you see a movie not
currently playing at a theatre near you.

Hollywood was identified as being an Agent
of Anti-Americanism back in the 1950's.

1950's Hollywood saw itself as an Agent Of "Change".

Joe McCarthy was famous in his pursuit of
Hollywood traitors. He exposed many Hollywood
screenwriters as Communists.

McCarthy went after the most dangerous ones.

The ones in Hollywood who were actively working
for the destruction of America, and for the takeover
of our great country by Communists.

Some might say that McCarthy went too far.

I say he did not go far enough!

Today, liberal lunatics use the term "McCarthyism"
to describe a witchhunt. "McCarthyism" is used
to denote an "unjust" investigation with nefarious

"McCarthyism" is used the same way liberals have
used the current slogan of "Swift Boating".

They New Left uses these terms for one purpose.- To shut
down their opposition.


As of today, little information can be found about "Alessandro
Coppola". There are photos that purport to show his likeness.

There is an interesting web site I just looked at called:


I'm noting here the following recurring themes used in
conjunction with this name:


Intersex; Hermaphroditism

Wealth, Exoticism.



Gender Manipulation in regards to Gender Image.

Children's Fairy tales.

Hollywood movies i.e. Wizard Of Oz

Metamorphisis or something that is constantly Changing.

Artifical Intelligence

Altered States, drug induced altered states

Cloning. How can you tell who is a Clone and who is not?


Stay Tuned for More on This Developing Story.

Remember: The Revolution will NOT be televised.

Note To Readers:

I created this Blog to warm my fellow US Citizens of the impending
danger we are in.

I promised myself I would Keep It Simple.

I'd like to apologize for my word play.

I'm going to keep my writing in the current "mode"
due to current technological developments in something
called "Cryptography".

I've not kept up with technology in recent years.
In fact, I'm quite a throwback to 20th Century
Analog technology.



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