Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BO Legal Advisor "Cass Sunstein" & His Plans To Shut Down Free Speech

A common theme in the BO campaign is that certain
things are hidden and certain things are not.

The BO Campaign is bold in its mission to "reshape"
American by destroying.

Today I will feature a key Advisor named Cass Sunstein.
He is currently a "Legal Advisor" to the campaign.

You can look him up in Google News. He's in all the
headlines right now trying to say that "redistribution
of wealth" is not Socialism.

Trying to understand how someone like Cass Sunstein
thinks is hard to do. It's probably because this graduate
from the University Of Chicago Law School thinks the same
way as....

William Ayers.

I'd like to draw your attention to an article published
on 11-07-07 in Salon.com.

Here's the Headline

"Legal sage Cass Sunstein says democracy is the first casualty of political discourse
in the digital age."


I'll give you the short version.

This is what Cass Sunstein believes and the things he'd
like to do.

First; "Political Discourse" is the open, free discussion of issues
relating to US Government and Politics.

1.Sunstein believe that Political Discourse has "lost traditional civic virtues like civility, self-criticism and open-mindedness".

2. Sunstein believe that the "Chicago Tribune" is "an example of a not very partisan paper, and is more reliable.

The Salon.com interviewer asked Sunstein the following question:

"You start the book by arguing that there are constitutional grounds for limiting choice -- that the First Amendment is specifically designed to promote democratic deliberation, that it doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want. As I was reading, I thought you were clearing a legal path for some radical policy prescriptions."

Sunstein replies with the following:

"The first book ["Republic.com"] had suggestions that government should consider fairness-doctrine-type mandates on Web sites."


And you thought that BO wasn't interested in bringing back the Fairness Doctrine to shut
down any criticism from talk radio?

Forget about outright censorship. Blogs like this one would be immediately shut down
because they don't consider "Self Criticism"?

Sunstein's use of the words "Self Criticism" is key here.

Self Criticism is also known as "Self Doubt". Which results in feelings of guilt.

Sunstein thinks Self Criticism is a good thing when engaged in Political Discourse.

In other words, Sunstein believe the people have an OBLIGATION to doubt their own beliefs.
Sunstein wants people to DOUBT themselves. He wants you to say things to yourself like:

"I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing".

"That Can't Be- I Must Be Going Insane"

"I Don't Believe That Genocide Plans are Being Carried Out Against The
American People. I DOUBT that very much".

Sunstein wants you to NOT BELIEVE what his and gang of thugs are up to.

"Well, the Holocaust Could Never Happen In The USA" (Even Though Sunstein's
colleagues have wrote books studying the Nazi Holocaust")

"BO is NOT the product of the latest in technological developments cleverly
disguised by the most expensive HOLLYWOOD created "Special Effects" ever!
I seriously DOUBT that.

I criticize myself for even thinking about it!

Don't Fall For The Sunstein Philosophy!

Refuse! Resist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW- This a very original looking blog. Maybe you should put up some images of cherries to show how original you are. Silly conformist.