Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Countdown: One Week Until 1984

Washed Up Terrorist

Why should anyone care about a Washed Up Terrorist?

To find out the truth about what is going on in the world
you need to start by researching Bill Ayers also known
as William Ayers.

The Greatest Danger

There are plans right now to launch an airborne virus.
The virus will be a modified version of what is commonly
known as ECOLI.

People residing in the affected area will be urged to
go to FEMA camps for protection. FEMA camps
are areas set up by the Federal Emergency Management

Do NOT under ANY circumstances go to a FEMA
camp. It will be much safer to remain in your homes.

You will need to look at the FEMA camps as a Trap.
You need to avoid the Trap!

The folks in the FEMA camp will only realize that
they are in a trap when it's too late.

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?

My best advice at this time would be to arm yourself.
They are various "Survivalist" blogs on the internet.
They are dedicated to preparations and plans to
survive any man made or natural disaster.

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