Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pakistan Daily News Reports On FEMA Camps!

I cannot emphasize enough about these traps called the FEMA
"Evacuation Camps".

This is NOT an Internet Rumour!

I just came across the following news story from the Daily
Pakistan News of all places. Odd, this isn't on FOX NEWS?
Fox News is currently running a story about a kitten
trapped in a tree.

Perhaps they should report on plans to trap humans in
something far worse than a tree!

Over 800 American concentration camps are fully operational and ready for prisoners


I am going to reprint the story here so all can view it:

"These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) following declaration of martial law (at the stroke of a Presidential pen plus the Attorney General’s signature on a warrant).While currently empty, all camps are staffed and manned by full-time guards, standing ready to receive U.S. prisoners who disagree with the government. Like Nazi extermination camps, many of the FEMA camps have Red/Blue lines:Red List – These are enemies of the New World Order. Two weeks before martial law they could be taken from their homes and flown to camps for immediate extermination. Generally, these are people in leadership roles or other public positions.Blue List – Also enemies of the New World Order but not necessarily leaders. After martial law these people could be rounded up for “re-programming” in the camps. Survivors will be used mostly for slave labor.Omissions such as mentioned here—a comprehensive list would be enormous…even one covering just the last eight years. Such a list includes: obvious and repeated federal election fraud; truth about 9/11 and its cover-up; truth about our illegal wars of aggression; truth about the current bankster coup and the trillion-dollar taxpayer drop in the bailout bucket which will largely go to foreign investors to avert lawsuits against fraudsters such as Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson; truth about the scuttling of the United States as a sovereign nation to make way for the corporate/fascist New World Order….The main theme in omissions always orbits crucial truth people need to know, truth the ruling elite want suppressed. As it stands now, the more truth involved, and the more important that truth to the American people, the more likely a story is to be omitted.We’ve come far down this road to oblivion, hustled along by lies, fraud, deception, distraction, fiendish exploitation of our own pathetic gullibility…and omission. How might we shatter the gullibility?Imagine the American people…imagine us turning around and marching back toward truth. Can we still save the Republic, still save ourselves? The Big Bailout just blew us miles further, down the road.


Now, reader may ask me- How did I find out this information about FEMA camps?

The answer is Cryptography!

Big Brother knows this and is running computer code all over the web trying
to decode what the US public knows about this.

Message to Big Brother>>You can have all the latest, complicated Cryptography
programs you want. You can buy programmers India to write the code.

But you keep forgetting one thing! These technologies do NOT capture the most important thing to Crack Code. Human Emotion. Human Spirit. Free Will.

Big Brother can manfacture clones, robots and combinations of clones and robots but the end result is never a 100% biological human being.

Big Brothers at Google and others>>Read Your Bible! I know you think it is a "book of Hate".
Its' not, the Koran is! But you should read the Bible. That is, before it is banned at Barnes and Noble and burned in bonfires set by the New Youth Army.


The traitors at google can take Trillions from George Soros and Company. They can place google ads on every web site. These google ads collect and catalog content on the web sites on which they are placed. Google can censor and scrub the internet.

They will try every way possible. But Google cannot ever duplicate or clone the human spirit, the human soul and the Free Will of Human Nature.

Go read the Ayn Rand book you were supposed to read in English 101 you creeps.

peace out


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