Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Answers To Questions About Bill Ayers

A character based on Bill Ayers appeared in a "Short Story" by a filmmaker
named John Sayles.

The short story is called:

"At The Anarchists Convention"

Described as:

"Indeed one of his earliest stories, the signature story in the "At the Anarchists' Convention" collection (1979), is a warmly rollicking satire of the Old Left at a convention of lost causes."

John Sayles also featured a character based on Ayers in his first film.

The film was called: "The Return Of The Seacaucs Seven" (1980)

The film is described as:

"Former 1960's radical activists gather at a reunion in a small town near Boston for a weekend of hugs, nostalgia, basketball, mutual commiseration. There is also a mutual quiet self-congratulation as most have been successfully incorporated into the system as drug counselors, high school teachers, women doctors, etc. Even they whisper, not entirely guiltily, about co-optation."

What I am unclear about is Ayers real life relationship to John Sayles.

I can't find any documentation showing the 2 actually knew each other.

However, I went on to research the first film made by John Sayles.

The film was called: "Brother From Another Planet". It was released in 1984.

The following description of the film was found at a radical left wing web site:

"Even "Brother From Another Planet" (1984) resonates with the hippie generation's beguiling
disingenuous questioning of why not: What is all this race nonsense about? The movie
challenges the received norms initiated by the civil rights movement at the same time that
the silent Black brother (another Sayles regular, Joe Morton) primarily owes his survival-
as an escaping slave from another planet-to the unstated, unorganized network of solidarity
of the local Harlem working class."

A close friend of John Sayles is someone known as:

David Straithairn

Straithairn appeared in many of John Sayles early films.

I did some research on Straitharin and found that his most recent work
was a documentary he produced. The documentary film was a biography
of Barack Hussein Obama and was played at the DNC Convention a couple
of months ago.

Anyway, back to the Anarchists Convention.

Oh, BTW: John Sayles currently has a NYC based company named:

"Anarchists Convention Inc."

In Sayles short story, "At The Anarchists Convention" there is an interesting
character named "Leo Gold".

"Leo Gold" is described in Wikipedia as the following:

"A pessimistic, aging author and former labor organizer..."

Hmm. That's funny. Isn't Bill Ayers an "aging author" also?

Where can we find "Leo Gold" today?

Well, there's someone using the name of Leo Gold hosting a
radio show on radio station KPFT.

Leo Gold hosts a radio show called "The New Capital Show".

But what is the real name of the radio host?

"Leonard M. Golub"

"Leonard M Golub" is the owner of a company called "New Capital Management".

The website recently changed, but one of his top clients
is none other than George Soros. (Hi Georgey!)

Who is Leonard M. Golub's father?

Eugene Golub.

Eugene Howard Golub passed away in 2007.

There is a Wikipedia entry on Eugene Howard Golub.

He is referred to as "On of the preeminent numerical analysts of his generation."

But what is Eugene Howard Golub's most controversial work?
Oh, I forgot to mention his employment at a notable CHICAGO area University.

One of his best-known books is Matrix Computations.

What is the Matrix Computation you ask?

Well, let's see. I don't know much about Physics. But I do know the

1. The Matrix is series of HOLLYWOOD science fiction movies.

2. The Matrix is often referred to as a WORM HOLE or Black Hole.

3. Scientists created this WORM HOLE sometime in 1982. I'll post the
details later.


Bill Ayers

John Sayles

John Sayles "fictional works"

The Anarchists Convention featured a character named Leo Gold.

Leonard M Golum uses the name of Leo Gold for his FM radio
show which celebrates Anarchy.

Leonard M Golum's top client is GEORGE SOROS

Leonard M Golum's father is EUGUGE HOWARD GOLUB.

Eugene Howard Golub came up with the "Matrix Computation".

This "Computation" describes the theory of the BLACK HOLE or

Scientists created a WORM HOLE in 1982.


Next Lesson:

Details of the scientific experiment in 1982 that reportedly
created this Worm Hole.

What really happen during this "experiment"?

What "details" have been conveniently left out of
the academic reports?

As Teacher, I will also talk about some related subjects.
Please prepare for our next lesson by learning some basic
background material on the following subjects.

Genetic Engineering



Theories of creation of a "Master Race".


See you next time.

Peace out.

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