Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Create A Worm Hole For Fun & Profit?

As I've docmented previously, Eugene Golub (An apparent assoc of William Ayers)- put together an historic Matrix Computation.

Eugene Golub subscribed to the same perverted world view as William Ayers.

From researching Leonary Golub, we can assume that the ACORN doesn't fall far
from the tree.

While Genie took his secrets to the grave, we can learn a great deal from his accomplishments.

Now, for the scientifically challenged, let's examine what a WORM HOLE really is.

Wikipedia describes it as this:

In physics, a wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is fundamentally a 'shortcut' through space and time.

OK, I'm with you so far.

A wormhole could allow time travel.[8]

My biggest question is this- when the mad scientists created the Worm Hole in 1982,
what really happened?

I see all the mumbo jumbo physics jargon in the published texts.

As someone who DOESN'T believe in the "Supernatural", I'm keeping an open mind here.

Based on the Hollywood movies that I've been brainwashed with, I assume that the Worm Hole created some passageway to HELL for lack of a better description.

Message to those who eff'd with Mother Nature in this way>>Karma is a "b---h".

I suspect that something resembling a worm came out of the worm hole (makes sense right)?

What I find fascinating here is how the Hollywood power brokers are constantly tipped off to the most Top Secret information in our government.

And who can blame the Hollywood wheeler dealers for not wanting to use their Inside Information to make a buck? After all, that's what they do on Wall Street, right? And I am referring to the Wall Street of the past.

So, all these great box office movies were created like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the MATRIX series, Matt Damnon's Bourne Identity series, ect.

And little "low budget" films like John Sayles "Brother From Another Planet" which was ironically released in year 1984.

I suspect the Worm that came forward from the Black Hole wasn't not pleased.

After all, Dwight Eisenhower publicly stated back in the day that the USA might have to wage
warfare with an Enemy not from Planet Earth.

I don't know the full Star Wars series, I thought the Matrix movies were sickening (now I know why), I'm not a big sci-fi fan but I know about Philip K. Dick and the origins of Cyber punk.

Stay with me on this...

Worm appeared from Black Hole experiment sometime in 1982.

Worm wasn't happy. Worm says to scientists, you have a Choice.

You can either make me the ruler of Planet Earth or I'll simply have to
get rid of you.

And so ends the "Society for Social Responsibility in Science". Or at least that aspect of it.

And like any High School Earth Science Teacher, who can resist a great Lab Experiment?

The rest I'm unclear on.

I'm certain the rest of the puzzle involves the following pieces.




New World Order Trillion dollars of funding.

Rockefeller Institute and the "way they think society should run".

William Ayers (Of course!)




U.N. (United Nations)

Atlanta (ATL)

Google (To help cover up the trail of cookie crumbs)

Stay tuned for our next exciting (?) episode.

One last note:

I've always maintained that these Evil Doers are *too good* at what they do.
And since some of them are still 100% human, they make mistakes.
And that their mistakes will be their downfall.

project pjs pc

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