Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BO Brother From Another Planet?

IS Barack Hussein Obama a "Brother From Another Planet"?

There was a recent televised public appearance of BO
with John (Jesus) McCain, Former Airman.

I can't recall the details, but it was a Dinner. A NYC
dinner/reception for top movers and shakers.

You can still google the video at You Tube. Assuming
that Stalin's Housekeepers haven't fixed the plumbing

At this dinner, Broadcast in its entirety on FOX NEWS.
There were a couple of odd things mentioned by both

McCain made a strange reference to Zororastrianism.

Hussein admitted he was from another planet. I can't
recall the exact quote.

The Ultimate Machurian Candidate's bold admission
was not surprising.

If follows a pattern here. Those behind Hussein are
fearless. They like to brag. They like to brag about
how they are getting away with perpetuating the
greatest fraud in American History.

They like to brag about how they engineered the
greatest theft of treaure in the history of mankind.

I'd like to note here that the CIA engineered coup
we are seeing unfolding before our eyes has the
following elements to it.




Is the CIA really willing to boldly wage war on its own people?
The Citizens of the USA?

Yes. Apparently, there have been forces within the US
Government that having been waging war on the US
people at varying degrees throughout our Great country's
relative short history.

One "conspiracy theory" that should be researched by
any reader of this blog is that of AIDS. AIDS created
as a disease to wage warfare. Biological warfare.

I've researched this AIDS conspiracy a little bit.

I've noted a really odd thing about it.

It involves the injecting and the deliberate infection
of AIDS to mostly white homosexuals living in
NYC around 1980 to 1982.

I believe the accepted government-media pushed
theory of a "Patient Zero" in the AIDS crisis is
complete Bulls----!

I'm still working on this theory but it involves
the following:


1980-1983 NYC Homosexual Community

"Siddiqui Sohale"

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