Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Way Things Look

What does the current election look like?

It appears to be a former POW tortured by
the Viet Cong running against a follower
of Viet Cong philosophy.

It looks like a payback for revenge scenerio.

It appears to be Bill Ayers revenge.

Once America is punished for alleged atrocities
in the Vietnam War, the stage will be set
for a new kind of payback.

Will it be the to avenge the sins of Slavery
during the Civil War era?

Will it be a "variation" or "Slave Reparations"?

Stay tuned to MSNBC and Rachel Maddow for


Is the current conflict we are seeing prophesized
in the Bible?

Perhaps. I am not a Biblical expert.

I do see current events portrayed in a novel
by an author named Philip K. Dick.

In the 1950's, Philip K. Dick wrote a "science
fiction" short novel entitled, "Cosmic Puppets".

I researched this "story" and found many parallels
to current world events.

Unfortunately, there is no detailing of specific
events in the "novel" to determine "what's going
to happen next".

But as Bill Ayers said in his blog, "When Empires end,
it will be very, very messy..."

Speaking of Mr. Ayers, I'd like to ask readers of this
blog some questions.

1. How did the photo of Bill Ayers standing atop an
American Flag "magically" appear on the front page
of the New York Times the morning of the 9-11
attacks? That's a very odd coincidence.

2. Bill Ayers received a "gift" from the North Vietnamese
some years ago when he was in Canada. The "gift"
was a ring. The type of ring one would put on your finger.
Apparently the "ring" was made of a molten metal.
What were the contents of the molten metal? Hint:
You don't need to be a scientist or chemist to find
the answer.

3. Was Mr. Ayers portrayed in a Hollywood movie
by someone named John Sayles? I believe the
movie was named, "The Return Of The Seacaucus

4. Was Mr. Ayers also portrayed in a "Short Story" by
John Sayles? I believe the story was entitled, the "Anarchists

Readers interested in the work of John Sayles might
be very interested in a movie released in 1984.

The movie was named:

"Brother From Another Planet".

More on John Sayles at a later time.

5. Was Bill Ayers a CIA informant at one time? Was
he paid by the CIA to give them information on his
fellow "activists"?

6. Mr Ayers if very smart. Very book smart. He's published
many novels. In one of his novels he referred to recent
additions to his "family". He mentions his son's wife's name
and then to someone he refers to as "Magic".

Who is "Magic"?

I've researched this and "Magic" is NOT the name of one
his grandchildren.

7. Is that an a friend of Mr. Ayers I just saw in a recent You
Tube video? Y'know the video where Mr. Ayers' friend states
that about 25 million people will have to be eliminated in the
USA because they will stand in the way of the Communist

8. Isn't it strange that our so called "News Reporters" appear
clueless when they get the rare chance to speak with Mr. Ayers?
I really can't blame the News Reporter, as they haven't done
the in-depth research on Ayers.

My advice to readers. Follow the money. Discover the Network.
All roads lead from William Ayers.

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