Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is Zeus Trying To Tell Us Something?

Early this morning the Drudge Report had an interesting
"news item".

It was a You Tube video excerpt of a public speech. A speech
made to a large gathering of our youth.

The speech was given by someone who desires control
our US Military.

The speech was given during a thunderstorm and the video captured
a lightning strike from the clouds in the distant background.

Big deal you say....there are thunderstorms all the time!

Yes, but this storm was like, well "Creepy"


Who or what is "Zeus"?

In mythology, "Zeus" is the Greek King Of the Gods. He is also known
as the God of Sky and Weather.

Zeus is also identified as the God of Fate.

Zeus, the God Of Law and Order.

Summary: Zeus is the most powerful of all the Greek gods


Images and depictions of Zeus frequently show him with
his "Thunderbolt". He seems to be carrying around what seems
to be a "Lightning Strike" with him.

Why would he be doing that?

How did Zeus use this "thunderbolt" in Greek mythology?

One of the most famous mythologies involving Zeus
is the told in the story of "Zeus Battles Thee Giants"

Who are "Thee Giants" that Zeus battles with?

"Thee Giants" are referred to as the "Nephilim"

"Nephilim" means, literally, the ones who fell from the skies and came down to Earth.

"Nephilim" can also be described as the "Fallen Angels"

According to mythology, the "Nephilim" were gigantic offspring known as "Thee Giants"

"Thee Giants" were the offspring from the union or "interbreeding" of "Fallen Angels" and the "Daughters Of Men".

So there was sort of a Fallen Angel/Human Being marriage done.

Legend says that these offspring or "Nephilim" slowly grew to tremedous strature. They were said to possess a "titanic arrogance".

"Nephilim" also had tremendous desire to have power over others.

Power over the mortal populations of Earth.

Many said at the time that "Nephilim" displayed a quest for power that far surpassed that of their Satanic fathers.

"Nephilim" is a Hebrew word that is translated into Greek as "Gegenes"

"Genetics" is the English word built around the same root word as "Gegenes". "Genea" meaning "Breed" or "Kind".

"Nephilim" in other ancient Greek translations are referred to "Assailants" or "Violent

There's also VERY interesting translation of "Nephilim" as:

"Homo Artificialis Nephili"


Let's focus on that specific translation.

What exactly is a "Homo Artificialis Nephili"?

Did modern-day science create a "Nephilim" about a quarter century ago?

Did science really hatch a "Nephilim" in a modern laboratory setting using variations
of what is known as the human genome or DNA?

According to the Mythology, "Nephilim" would have to be created by the combination
of the DNA of "Fallen Angels" and Human Women.

Did any of the modern scientists invovled at the time of the experiment
have knowledge of the mythology surrounding the "Nephilim" ?

I think the major problem scientist found in this Cloning or creation of a modern day
"Nephilim" is that "Fallen Angels" are considered to be otherworldly "Spirits"
and do not have DNA!

So I'm guessing Scientists had to find some "Genetic Material" of a pre-existing animal species to use.

If Science was trying to create the Cloning of a human being wouldn't
they have used "genetic material" of a human being rather than that of
an animal species?

I propose that the Cloning being performed was not that of a human being
but of an animal species. A cloning of an animal species combined with a "Spirit".

At that point in history, Clones of mice were a thing of the past.

So they needed to use a very different animal species.

How about picking an animal species in the reptile category?

So let's assume they compined the genetic material of a reptile
with some material from the "Spirit". Surely, the "Spirit" form had
something material that could be used.

But this "Spirit" material had to have some type of human-like biology within it.

I suspect that this cloning experiment was proclaimed to be a success.

Science thought they may have created a new subclass of species. A new
subclass that was stronger than any Human Being.

But what made them think that by combining DNA from a reptile
and a "Spirit" would result in a new species of Human Beings?


Modern ethics has prevented some scientists in the past from pursuing
what is known as "Eugenics".

"Eugenics" is the science of creating more perfect animal species.

I think science soon realized that this Clone or "Nephilim" created was very
different than a human being.

Apparently, this Clone was not the predicted result. It was not
stronger and a two or three times larger variation of a human being.

As far as I can tell, these Clones were created in the 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984
time period.

It seemed that the Clones were weaker than the average Human Being. Over
time, the Clones displayed a genetic pre-dispositon to suffer from a wide variety
of debilitative diseases. i.e. Parkinsons.

The study of these debilitative diseases affecting these Clones was well doumented.

Readers can still view these studies on the today's internet.

There are scientific abstracts published in many academic journals by those
involved who studied these diseases. However, I don't thing they refer to
the patient as a Clone.

The problem with these abstracts is that you have to be a trained scientist
to understand them.

An unanswered question I have is this?

Did these Clones have the same powers that they mythological "Nephilim held?

In one interpretation of ancient "Nephilim" is that they had the power
of something called "magical fields".

Others interpret the "Fields Of Nephilim" to be "Magnetic Fields".

I found a good description of the "Magnetic Fields Of Celestial Bodies" on Wikipedia.

"White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes seem to have extremely strong
magnetic fields".

In the near future, I will discuss the next part of Nephilim mythology.

I'll leave you with this teaser:

"Nephilim" apparently procreated amongst themselves as well as procreating with
human beings resulting in creations of more subclasses. One of these subclasses
was known as the 'Gibborim'".


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